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For many employers, the aggravation of setting up auto-enrolment of staff into a workplace pension was over years ago, but it’s not a task that can be done once and forgotten.

All employees who opted out of the workplace pension must be re-enrolled in that pension after three years. You do this by writing to each staff member who should be re-enrolled within six weeks of the re-enrolment date.

You choose your own re-enrolment date, but it must fall within a six-month time frame based on the date you had to start auto-enrolment for the first time. Once you have re-enrolled all the employees to whom this rule applies, you must submit an online declaration of compliance to The Pensions Regulator within five months of the re-enrolment date. We can help you with that statement.

Those individuals who are automatically re-enrolled into the pension can immediately opt out again if they choose to do so. Individuals with very large pension pots may be advised to do this if they have taken steps to protect the level of their pensions lifetime allowance.

By |2019-11-25T10:51:32+00:00November 25th, 2019|News|